Time to Help
Hello Everyone
Tonight, I'm not going to post any recipes (sorry...tomorrow, I promise!).
Instead, I'd like to take a moment to talk about something that's been on everyone's mind recently: the awful disaster that hurricane Katrina has caused.
Unless you live in a cave, or on a remote island somewhere, you're probably familiar with the situation down in Louisiana (especially around New Orleans), and in surrounding areas. There are literally tens of thousands of families who are now homeless, and will likely remain that way for the better part of a year (or more). In addition, there are countless people who require medical attention, food, water and clothing. In other words, the basic necessities of life.
And aside from the PEOPLE whose lives are turned upside down, there are the pets. Now, I'm not suggesting that the welfare of cats or dogs or hamsters (or whatever) should supersede the needs of human beings. Not at all. But as an animal lover, I certainly "feel" for the pets who, in addition to being just as hungry (or dehydrated or uncomfortable) as their human counterparts, also have NO IDEA what's going on.
This is a time for "us folks here in the U.S. of A." to really pull together. We've had times like this before. You probably remember at least a couple of them. And as members of "Team USA", we've managed to forget about our own concerns---for a little while, at least---and rally to support our neighbors.
Next Tuesday (September 6), I'll be going down to the local Red Cross office, and I'm going to donate some blood. They run a Blood Drive every Tuesday, anyway. I haven't donated since last Fall sometime, but I figure now's as good a time as any. It just so happens that my blood type is O-positive, which (they tell me) can be given to just about anybody. I hope that whoever gets it feels better afterward.
I'm also going to write a couple of checks...not that much money, because as usual, I'm broke. And I'm going to mail the checks to a couple of very worthy organizations (their web links are below).
I encourage---in fact, I'll go ahead and BEG---my readers and friends to follow suit.
Not everyone is able (or willing) to donate blood; not everyone is able to make a whopping monetary donation. Even fewer people (I'm among them) are able to actually go to where the problem is, and try to help first-hand. But I think everyone---EVERYONE---can do a little something. Even if it's simply a few words of support, or donating clothing (or blankets, or canned goods) to a Relief Effort.
We've done it before. And if necessary, we'll do it again.
Link to The Habitat for Humanity website:
Link to Noah's Wish, which provides rescue and shelter for animals during time of crisis:
(and there are LOTS and LOTS of other programs, too. Look around, you'll find them)
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