The Brickman's Blog

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Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy 2007!

Hello, everybody! Happy New Year!

(ooh, sorry...I'll try to be a little quieter)

I hope everyone is enjoying a healthy and prosperous 2007!

I think this year is definitely going to be The Year of the Brickman. So far, things are going exceptionally well for me, and I'm very thankful. The restaurant has been doing well, and I already have cooking classes scheduled into March!

I'd like to thank all of you, my friends, for your support during 2006. Last year wasn't too bad (or too good), overall, but I'd like to thank those of you that kept in touch throughout it all. My family thanks you, too.

Enough of the "gooey stuff". Let's all get out there and make 2007 ROCK!
