The Brickman's Blog

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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Yep, I'm still here!

Hello everyone!

I know, it's been nearly a month since my last post. Sorry sorry sorry. I don't know about you, but around here, things get a little nuts during the Holidays.

Speaking of which: I hope everyone has had a very happy holiday season, and that 2006 is going well for you, so far! My holidays were very nice, and very uneventful. Just quiet time, enjoyed with my family and friends. That's the way I like it!

I do have to tell you, though...Santa Claus did bring me the "big gift" that I really wanted: a kitchen island. You know, a mobile, extra counter-top. I love this thing! Only one minor drawback: I had to assemble it myself. It contained HUNDREDS of pieces, great and small. I am NOT a carpenter, by any means, so the task was a bit required some gluing of wooden dowels, screwing-in of assorted bolts (including four cam-bolts, whatever that means), and lots of lifting (the thing weighs about 70 pounds). But it only took about two hours to complete, and I did take several breaks during the building process.

Now, my kitchen counter-space has essentially doubled, and the unit has a storage cabinet built into it, so I've got some more pantry space, too. I've already stored my stand mixer in the cabinet, as well as a few pans and bowls that have never really had a "home" before. It'll take a month or two, but eventually I'll have everything right where it belongs.

I have some new recipes on the way, so stay tuned!


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