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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

See my Nephews Play T-Ball!

Hi again all!
Today was my parents' wedding anniversary!
I didn't know what to get them, so I made them something instead (after all, aren't home-made gifts the best kind?). I prepared a beef shoulder london broil (two of them, actually, each weighing about 2.5 pounds), which I marinated in caffeine-free root beer, fresh limes and fresh cherries, along with some chopped onion and garlic (along with some spices, salt, and whole peppercorns).
I left the whole lot in the marinade for about 24 hours, then rubbed the meat with my Rub Mix, as well as some additional garlic powder and dried rosemary. Then I threw it onto the prepared smoker (about 8 pounds of charcoal, which I allowed to heat for about 30 minutes; then some pre-soaked dried oak branches).

The whole cooking process (not counting the marinating time) took about four-and-a-half hours; the results were tender, smoky, and delicious! I still have most of Roast Number Two in my own fridge. My parents received their portion (along with a mint-dressed pasta salad), and tonight I'll prepare a chef's salad from some of my own leftovers.

My parents have two grandchildren---my two nephews---who (naturally) are the light of their lives. My older nephew, Jesse, is on a local kids' T-ball Team. My Dad attended one of their games, and had a picture CD made from some of the film he shot. I suggested that they post the pictures on the Internet, so that all the relatives could look at them.

Mom & Dad don't have that much "computer savvy", so I offered to set up their photo page for them....

here it is!

Check out those competitors!

See you soon!


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