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Saturday, June 18, 2005

Have a know you want to

Hi again everybody!
This has been a HECK of a day; nothing went quite right at the restaurant, and before work I visited a number of local Garage Sales and found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that I could use. Pretty much a wash-out.
It's getting late, and I'm tired, so I won't be posting a recipe this evening (awww).
I will, however, post a couple of amusing food-related jokes (don't worry--they're family-friendly):

A guy walks into a restaurant, and asks, "do you serve crabs here?"
The waitperson replies, "we serve anybody, sir...have a seat."
A guy (probably a different guy) asks the waitperson, "do you have frog's legs?"
The waitperson replies, "yes."
The guy (again, probably a different guy) says, "well, hop into the kitchen and get me a steak!"
(this one's not really food-related, but it might have been one of those pub/restaurant type places)

A horse walks into a bar.
The bartender asks, "why the long face?"

OK, I think you've had enough.

I'll see you tomorrow. Be well, everyone!


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