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Friday, June 17, 2005

Some Dessert, Monsieur?

Hello everyone!
Sorry I'm a bit late tonight; busy dinner rush at the restaurant. Not to worry, though...I'm going to try (as always) to update this thing every day.
I thought that by now, after all the grilling, everyone would be ready for some dessert. So here's a (non-traditional) recipe for Chocolate Mousse. The egg (only ONE egg!) is not separated, and the white is not whipped. But it's still quite delicious, and the recipe can easily be multiplied to serve all of your guests (the original recipe serves two---how romantic!)

Chocolate Mousse (the Express Route)
6 ounces semisweet chocolate chips
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract
1 tablespoon creme de cacao
1 cup whipping cream
In a blender, combine together the chocolate, egg, vanilla, almond extract and Creme de Cacao.
Meanwhile, microwave the cream* (in a glass or plastic bowl, covered with plastic wrap) until just beginning to boil.
With the blender going add the hot cream and blend well.

Pour into small sherbet or wine glasses. Chill for several hours and serve.

(*Naturally, you can heat the cream on the stovetop, if you like; but all you're looking to do is heat it, not scald it. So the microwave is handy if you want one less pot to wash! And in either case, make sure the cream does begin to bubble, so the egg will be heated through. And for the same reason, PLEASE heat the cream just before you're ready to add it to the chocolate/egg mixture. This way, it won't have a chance to cool too much)

There you have it.

(printable version)

(check out my friend Jessica's great work)


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