The Brickman's Blog

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Friday, July 15, 2005

"Printable" Recipes (etc)

Hi again folks!

I have had some people ask me: is there a way to print the recipes on my Blog (or some of my amusing anecdotes!) without having to copy & paste?

The answer, currently, is no.

HOWEVER, I'm now working on a way to do just that: the recipes (and everything else) will appear here, as usual, but I'll also include a web-link to a "printable" version. This way, if you should want to print out a "hard copy" of my Pulled Pork recipe (for example), all you'll have to do is click "print" on your browser. Then you'll have something to hang on your fridge (use one of those "freebie" magnets you get from your bank!).

It will probably take me three or four days to get everything uploaded (including all the stuff that has appeared here in the past two months!), but eventually it will all be there. And all of my posts from now on will include the web-link.

Hope this works!


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